Thursday, September 6, 2007

The US of A experience ...!

I have been thinking of jotting this down for quiet a long time now, but this post took simply too long. Mainly because it has been two years since I set foot in this "land of opportunity" and have never recorded any of my thoughts ever since. It took me quiet a while to recollect and sort them out. Sorry for hurrying in the end but I have only one excuse for it, I was too lazy and wanted to be done with it. So here it goes...
Long long ago on a beautiful morning (actually only a little over two years ago), I woke up to find my first acceptance letter for MS on the bedside desk. I was enthralled with joy. Little did I know of the the roller coaster ride that was awaiting me. Within a couple of weeks, I got accepted into all the colleges I had applied for, except one. Thanks to my friends and family who helped me choose the school where I was to slog for the next two years, away from all joy and enjoyment. Naah...I will take that back, I did enjoy and lot at USC, LA's been the best place I have been to in US so far. Anyways, the day of my departure came close and I started spending my time giving treats to my friends who had stuck by me all my life. I was lucky to have boarded the flight and escape the floods that broke in Mumbai the next day, delaying the departure of a lot of my soon to be new friends.
So I finally landed in LA and got out of the customs with almost no trouble (I had a hard time convincing the guy that the Mango pickle didn't contain any meat). So there I was out of the airport with no idea where to go (I had not received any reply from the Indian association about my temporary accommodation yet). After thinking deeply for a long time I decided that it was the school's responsibility to accommodate me, as they were the one who accepted me in the first place. yeah I know that's bullshit but I had no where else to go. So they put me in the undergrad dorms (it was still summer and students had not yet arrived) for 25 bucks a night. In the next couple of weeks I got settled into a nice cozy apt with three other guys one of whom has stuck by me ever since.
The school commenced soon after and my life after that was hell. So many homework and so much work (Labs, part times, study and partying was simply too much when everything was put together). I studied more and in that one semester than all four years of my undergrad put together. The following semesters were equally bad (better when it came to partying) if not worse, except for the last one when I had landed myself with an internship. I made a lot of good friends on the way who I know would stick to me forever. I thank you guys for being there for me always. I wish you all good luck with all your endeavors if you have not yet achieved them. I dedicate this song to you all

It's been a wonderful experience knowing you all and having you as a part of my life. Thanks a ton ...


everythinginmymind said...

good one...but why did u finish it off so precisely? put in all your experiences dude...that would be good...anyways...good luck..enjoy

NaReN... said...

Told you na...was simply too lazy and wanted to get on with other more interesting posts. Wanted to get this outta my way :-)