Friday, November 14, 2008

The Glass Should Always be Half Full

Often times in life, when asked if one is optimistic or pessimistic, many people answer the question without knowing how they actually perceive life, pessimistically or optimistically. I'm an optimist and I consider it an integral part of being happy in life and achieving what you want. How can you be sure if you are one or the other? Let me give you a simple example.
A guy wants to learn driving. He has driven motor bikes before but never a car. When the instructor asks him to get inside the car and give him a demo of how good he is without any training, he becomes nervous. Thoughts start racing in his mind. He has never driven a car. He doesn't know how to use the gear shift. How hard should he press the breaks, is it very different than bikes. How hard should he turn the steering wheel. What if he hits something in the first run. What if the instructor gets a bad impression about him the first day itself.
Well, so you get it, right. The first feeling that one gets in such situations, says it all. Let us look at the other type. When asked to show a demo, he feels a sense of euphoria and great excitement. He thinks now is the chance to show the instructor that he's better and different than his other students, as he has experience riding his bike. He know when and how hard to use the breaks and accelerator from his experience. Both are machines and both run on similar mechanisms, so it should be easy and he could learn really fast. He could make a really good impression. Again his feelings say it all about his approach towards life.
This might seem very trivial. So let me give you another example. A girl and a boy have been good friends for some time. The girl is thinking that its time to take their friendship ahead to a new relationship. She thinks, she knows the guy so well, so why not. She knows what he likes and dislikes. She knows his taste in food, she knows his taste in music. She knows he's a book lover just like her, she knows that he respects her, trust her and believes in her. More importantly she knows what kind of a person he is and the way he looks at life, his ambitions, goals, how he treats other people, friends or not etc etc. So why should she not take the relationship forward.
But the guy looks at it completely differently. He knows a lot about her but theres so much more that he doesn't know too. He doesn't know anything about her family, he doesn't know if all these feelings that they have been having are just spur of the moment or something genuine. He doesn't know her way of living, as they have never lived together, they have just been good friends, hanging out a lot more with each other than with somebody else. Can he trust her, does she really believe in him, or were they just empty words that she spoke. Isn't it too early to be thinking about a relationship. Questions like these plaque his mind, and hes confused and not able to take a decision.
To the guy, I would tell him to learn to trust people, and never to think that the glass is half empty. Stop worrying about tomorrow and don't think too much about yesterday. Bask in the warmth of today.
To the girl, I would say its great that she thinks positively about life and a life partner, but she should never let the thought, that the glass is ONLY half full, slip from the back of her mind. I can give you more examples but I guess you get the gist of it.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -- Mark Twain

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