Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Alchemist And I

This post has been lying as a draft in my docs for too long now. Although I've figured out to a certain extend as to why things had gone wrong, and think that some of the conclusions drawn have become obsolete by now, but I spent too much time to write this damn thought and so am going to post it anyways. But one thing I would like to tell everyone, When things decide to go wrong, there is nothing stopping them. Its what your destiny was meant to be, maybe for your own good too.

"The Alchemist", a book which you can read infinite number of times and still crave to read one more time. Well, so I read it once again today, my third time so far. This time I read it envisioning myself as the protagonist and associating various events in the book to those in my life and I began to wonder about my achievements. I had many dreams (interpret as goals) while I was growing up (When I say dreams, I don't mean the dreams I had between Age 1 and 13 :-) ), and I had always been the kind of person, who's very optimistic and likes to take his own decisions in life. And that has helped me a great deal to get to where I am today.
I had my share of luck, burdens, choice, failures, hardships, risks and successes in life. And so I asked myself, have all my dreams been fulfilled? I wondered for some time if that was ever possible and finally declared that it is an impossible thing to happen. Why, you ask? Any guesses? No? C'mon you can do better than that...well OK, I concluded that as life goes on, so do your dreams, I mean you have new dreams everyday (or every night) right (If not you should seriously think of getting some help). So there is no way that all your dreams can ever be fulfilled. So I rephrased that question and asked myself have all my dreams, that I had a few years ago been fulfilled? It took me a while to recollect what my dreams were a couple of years ago. And finally when I tried to answer this question, only one dream kept coming back to my mind which was once my dearest, but was never fulfilled.
I tried to figure out as to what went wrong there. Why did I fail that one time? And I realized that I had not always been that "optimistic" and "taking my own decision" kind of person in my life that I had envisioned to be. There have been certain episodes in my life when I was very negative, hesitant and very afraid of loss. I was so afraid that I never even tried to turn that dream into reality. I was happy the way things were and continued to live on. But "change" is inevitable in nature and so is it when it comes to our lives. Things changed so drastically in such short time that my dream hit a hard deadline that had been set for it a long time ago which I had but ignored. It was too late to make things right then and I had to give up. The only way it could still have become a reality is if I could somehow go back in time, which is all but impossible.
So I decided today, never again to be pessimistic,
'coz the one time I had been like that, I had to pay a heavy price for it, and I don't want to feel sad for something I could've avoided, ever again. And so to all those who are reading, I say this: Dream big, never hesitate, never be afraid unless its upon your life, take calculated risks and always be positive. Never think how things went wrong when you fucked up, but think what you gained when things went wrong. And so here I am today, ready to read "The Alchemist" yet once again.

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