Monday, April 14, 2008

Wubi: Playing nice with Windows

Wubi, is a tool that lets you install Ubuntu on your windows machine. Now what's so great about that? You could always install Ubuntu alongside Windows provided you have the installer disk. Well, this is where the magic begins. Wubi lets you install Ubuntu on your windows machine like it's just an application. No modifying the MBR to install the GRUB boot loader. No changing the partition table. Absolutely no impact on your current Windows installation. Wubi even lets you uninstall Ubuntu from your system leaving behind your Windows installation untouched. If you had installed Ubuntu before, you would know it is just a 6 step process. You answer some questions and you are well on your way to running Linux on your computer. Now Wubi cuts this even shorter. You are now three steps closer to Ubuntu installation.

1. Run the Wubi installer and choose the installation drive, size to be allocated, user name, password etc.
2. Wubi downloads the CD image from the Ubuntu website. (this might take a while depending on your internet connection)
3. Once that's done. You have to reboot and choose "ubuntu" from your Windows bootloader menu.

That's it. Installation begins here and you'll be prompted to login after it is complete.

That's all it takes to have a beautiful Ubuntu installation on your computer. Don't waste a minute thinking if you have been wanting to instal Linux your machine. Things couldn't get any easier or more beautiful.

I would like thank Agostino Russo and Evan Dandrea for creating Wubi, Mark Shuttleworth for giving us such a wonderful Operating System and the whole community that made Ubuntu what it is now.

Here's the Link for downloading Wubi.

Here's the Original Post by Mark Shuttleworth.
Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » Playing nicely with Windows

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