Sunday, October 28, 2007

Music: My Best Companion...

Music: it has been my friend for a long time. A very good friend indeed which I'm sure I can never lose. I've loved music for as long as I can remember. I even tried my hand at it once but soon found out that it was not my cup of tea. I listen to it all the time, on my way to and from work, when I'm reading a book, while I'm in bed asleep and on my long runs(Which are but very few :) ). It helps me get relieved of stress, it gives me hope when I listen to some with such beautiful lyrics, and I'm at peace when I listen to ones with such soothing notes. It brings back sweet memories, even bitter ones some times but then again I'm still at peace. Sometimes it makes me think of my life, what it has been till now and where it is heading towards to now. It fills me with life.
It reminds me of my friends, and those "Happy Days" when I was at college. Those days when we used to bunk classes and go to the movies. Even getting thrown out of classes was fun. The funniest one I can remember was when my Math professor (can't remember his name) branded my friends (4 of them) and I as terrorists for disrupting the peace in class. He called us the Lashkar-e-Taiba group. We had such a good laugh after class and for the rest of the semester ...LOL... Sorry I digress. So I was talking about music. Sometimes it's nostalgic, sometimes its sad, sometimes very happy, and sometimes it fills me full of adrenaline. Sometimes its my only company when I'm all alone and need someone to talk to, sometimes it shows a new meaning to my life and sometimes it shows me how happy and content I'm and I don't regret anything that has happened in my life so far at that moment. It accompanies me everywhere, no matter what I'm doing. I even remember listening to music just before my job interview. And yes, I had been listening to one particular song all this while, when I was writing this post. Here it is for you to enjoy (Although its Telugu, I am sure everyone would enjoy it)...

I don't know what would happen to me without music. I thank all the people out there in the music industry for their beautiful gift.


A P said...

So true about music!!hey coincidentially even i had written about music being so imp in life to me in my first post!so urs is like an echo!nice one!keep writing!

NaReN... said...

Thanks Aparna...I read your post and yeah, that was also like an echo for me too... :)

everythinginmymind said...

hey this aparna our classmate?
btw nice post...

NaReN... said...

No Hari, this is not that Aparna. I don't know where our friend Aparna is now.